JOIN the anti-idling movement in Detroit
Pledge to Turn Off Your Engine for Cleaner Air in Detroit
Idling your car directly impacts our health
In 2022, The Allergy and Asthma Foundation rated Detroit as the worst city for people with Asthma and other breathing-related ailments
Breathing emissions are linked to asthma, allergies, heart and lung disease, cancer, and autism.
Kids are especially vulnerable because they inhale more air per pound of body weight
$250 a year by shutting off their engines
CAPHE - Community Action Plan for Healthy Environment states that up to 65,000 work days a year are missed to pollution-related illnesses
Detroit adults are 29% higher than Michigan as a whole
Download our Idle Reduction Flyer here.
Fuel Conservation
Idling wastes 12 million gallons of fuel every day equaling 387.000 barrels of imported oil
A diesel truck could save as much as $25,000 a year by shutting off their engines
A family could save $250 a year by shutting off their engines
Idling 10 seconds equals driving 1 mile
By shutting your engine 8 minutes a day, a 4-cylinder car could save $67 a year and prevent 704 lbs of CO2 a year.
How much can I save? Download the Argonne and Clean Cities Emissions Calculator

Idle Reduction - Useful Links
Idling Reduction Savings Calculator
Community Action to Promote Healthy Environments - Detroit reports
Allergy and Asthma Foundations Capitals Research
See how the U.K. is combating idling air pollution with the Clean Air Strategy 2019 legislation.