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Proposals Open for Public Comment Below

Proposed Federal Implementation Plan for the Detroit Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) COMMENT PERIOD

Deadline: July 18, 2022

The EPA has a Proposed Federal Implementation Plan for the Detroit Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Nonattainment Area. The Sulfer Dioxide levels in the Detroit area have been at dangerous levels since 2013. This plan works to move the area back into compliance.

At high concentrations, Sulfur dioxide irritates the skin, membranes of the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs and can cause inflammation and irritation of the respiratory system. Sulfur Dioxide can be very toxic and can cause death. At high concentrations, fluids can accumulate in the lunch causing pulmonary edema.

For more information on Sulfer Dioxide:

Proposal summary in English

Resumen de la propuesta en español