Jaike Spotted Wolf
Project Manager

Assiniboine and Hidatsa Lakota, enrolled in and supported by the Mandan, Hidatsa, Sahnish tribes of North Dakota. Jaike’s family resides on the Fort Peck reservation in Poplar and Forsyth, Montana. 

Jaike is an organizer, writer, speaker, and frontline Water Protector - establishing their activism in Coast Salish territory in Occupied Duwamish Territory in the PNW of Turtle Island. 

Jaike led marches through the streets of Seattle with fellow organizer Colby Williams and Danny LeClaire, speaking on Indigenous erasure and genocide. 

In the summer of 2021, Jaike moved to northern Minnesota and resided mostly at Camp Migizi during the Line 3 campaign to shut down Enbridge. There, Jaike built a fundraising team, bringing in over $25,000 worth of funds to cover food, winter supplies, and building materials to fortify the infrastructure of Migizi. Jaike operated as a project manager in that space, working with white accomplices and Native comrades to build facilities that would keep the camp sustainably running as a decolonization space and cultural center long after the Line 3 battle ended. Jaike helped institute recovery meetings for individuals struggling with their sobriety as they fought the police and community violence that occurred on Line 3. 

Jaike is currently living in Waawiyatanong (Detroit, MI),  working to solidify Native sovereignty and Black liberation as a grant writer and social justice reformer. 

Jaike is a co-founder of Thechihila Collective and in that capacity, has facilitated Talking Circles, and decolonization talks within the city. Thechihila Collective was founded in December of 2021 by Water Protectors who were all active during the Line 3 movement in Minnesota during the summer of 2021. The organization is focused on dispersing mutual aid to Native and Black Americans (and anyone who might need help not fitting those categories) who are often missed by social services and resource centers that were not able to catch them. 

Jaike can be reached at jaike@sdevweb.org


Jenna Gilbert, WSU Master of Social Work Intern


Juliett Knight, Community Outreach & Social Media Intern - University of Michigan